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This page lists all texts by Christian Siefkes and other authors discussing the peer economy and the social generalization of peer production. Newer articles are listed first.

Friederike Habermann, Stefan Meretz, and Christian Siefkes. Trialogue: Implicit and Explicit Views of Human Nature. In Project Society After Money, editor, Society After Money: A Dialogue, pages 301–321. Bloomsbury, New York, 2019. [ ]

Christian Siefkes. A Critical View on the Criticism of Money. In Project Society After Money, editor, Society After Money: A Dialogue, pages 229–253. Bloomsbury, New York, 2019. [ ]

Christian Siefkes. Free Sources or Why Production No Longer Worries Us, 2013. Originally published in German in a collection on utopian thinking and social emancipation edited by the Berlin jour fixe initiative. [ ]

Michael Albert and Christian Siefkes. Future Economy? An Exchange Between Michael Albert and Christian Siefkes, 2012/2013. [ ]

Christian Siefkes. The boom of commons-based peer production. In David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, editors, The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State, pages 289-294. Levellers Press, Amherst, MA, 2012. [ ]

Christian Siefkes. Peer production y commonism: Construyendo la “libre asociación de productores” desde el movimiento de software libre. In Luisa López, Martín Molina, Daniel Pardo, Jonathan Piedrahita, Laura Rojas, Natalia Tejada, and Raul Zelik, editors, ¿Otros mundos posibles? Crisis, gobiernos progresistas, alternativas de sociedad, pages 147-155. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, 2012. [ ]

Christian Siefkes. The emergence of benefit-driven production. In Sebastian Hellmann, Philipp Frischmuth, Sören Auer, and Daniel Dietrich, editors, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon 2011). CEUR, 2011. [ ]

Silke Helfrich, Rainer Kuhlen, Wolfgang Sachs, and Christian Siefkes. The Commons—Prosperity by Sharing. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin, 2010. [ ]

Christian Siefkes. The commons of the future: Building blocks for a commons-based society. The Commoner, 2009. [ ]

Christian Siefkes. From Exchange to Contributions: Generalizing Peer Production into the Physical World. Edition C. Siefkes, Berlin, 2007. [ ]

Texts in German are collected on another page.